In my spare time I have built and maintain the following web pages
with a couple other projects on the way soon.

Huntingville, above the dam.
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The Dewing Home Page

We live in Wikwemikong, Ontario, which just happens to be the only Unceeded Indian Reserve in Canada as well as my wife's home town. Come and check us out, especially during the August long weekend when "Wiky" is host to one of the largest competitive Pow-Wow events in the country.  Make sure you book your hotel or campsite early as just about everything on  the island will be full for those dates.  The lodging section of       Our Manitoulin! web site will help you out in finding a location for the weekend.
I am currently a member of the Sudbury Teacher's Lions Club in District A-5, Ontario, Canada.  My wife is a 100% Past President, and a Melvin Jones Fellow who has also served our former Clubs as a Director, Secretary, Treasurer and in many other Committee Chair positions. 

I have also served as a 100% President and Secretary in the past and have held many Club and District Cabinet positions over the years.  My travel for The North West Company did not allow me to be as active a member as I would have liked over the past few years but now that I am retired I hope to make up or it.
I am originally from a small town called Huntingville in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.  This is a view of the old mill taken from above the dam and in the centre is the Universalist Church built in 1844 by William & Seth Hunting.
Our four really great kids, Gregory, Sandra, Patrick and Andrew were born in Val d'or, Moose Factory, Frobisher Bay and Iqaluit.  Now we have added a few grand-kids, William, Nicholas, Olivia and James to the clan.  As you can see, we have moved around a little bit during my 35 years with the Hudson's Bay Company, and now The North West Company.  Check out the "Enterprising" icon on the right for more information on this great company to work with.  If you would like more information or a job application please let me know and I would be happy to help you out.
We are avid Tim Hortons Brier and Scotties Tournament of Hearts fans, and try to attend at
least one of those curling events each year.  We collect curling lapel pins and
other Brier memorabilia, anything to trade or sell?
Lions Clubs "We Serve"
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This page was last updated on: June 21, 2017
The North West Company
The James Bay Gang (which we are members of) have been in attendance at the Brier in Sudbury 1983, Kitchener 1986, Chicoutami 1988, Sault Ste. Marie 1990, Hamilton 1991, Regina 1992, Ottawa 1993, Red Deer 1994, Halifax 1995, Kamloops 1996, Calgary 1997, Winnipeg 1998, Edmonton 1999, Ottawa 2001, and Calgary 2002.  We also made the 2003 Continental Cup which took place in Thunder Bay, Ontario.  We were also at the Scott Tournament of Hearts in Sudbury in 2001 and although Gloria and I didn't make it to Kitchener for the 2003 Hearts personally,
the group was still represented by two first year members of "The Gang."
Manitoulin Island
Murray Dewing's Facebook profile